Hello World! April 1, Alpha FitT Hardcore Fitness GEAR officially opened for business. We welcome everyone to check out our current Men and Women’s Tees, Men’s muscle shirts, and Women’s Tanks available in various sizes and colors. In the next couple of month, we will be adding more styles and colors to our inventory. In addition, we will also offer in the future Alpha FitT men and women’s workout bottoms, hats and beanies, and workout GEAR (weight belts, grips straps, chalk, etc.).
Stay tune for other information on upcoming bodybuilding shows and events we will attend as vendors. Come out and say “hello” and get you photos posted on our Alpha FitT Gallery. Speaking of the gallery, we would love to post your photos showing that you have joined the ALPHA FITT PACK in our photo gallery. Therefore, feel free sending your selfees, workout photos, or whatever photos you have sporting your Alpha FitT GEAR.
We will be checking back with your very soon…so don’t hesitate any longer…JOIN THE PACK! And, like we always say, “Either you’re ALPHA FITT or you’re NOT!”